going camping:đi cắm trại


The Bright family went camping on the weekend.
The Bright family went to Silent Lake.
The Bright family left on Friday.
They camped for three days.
The Bright family brought a big tent.
They brought a lot of food.
They brought insect repellent.
The Bright family had a campfire on Friday.
They roasted marshmallows.
They sang campfire songs.
On Saturday they went canoeing.
On Saturday they went fishing.
On Saturday they went swimming.
They went hiking on Sunday.
The Bright family saw many birds.
They saw bluejays.
They saw hummingbirds.
The Bright family saw many animals.
They saw a raccoon.
They saw a squirrel.
But they didn’t see a bear.
The Bright family had a fun vacation.


  • camping /ˈkæm.pɪŋ/ (n): cắm trại
  • brought /brɔt/: mang theo, đem theo (quá khứ của bring)
  • tent /tent/: cái lều (dùng để cắm trại)
  • insect /ˈɪnˌsekt/: côn trùng
  • repellent /rɪˈpelənt/: thuốc xua đuổi (côn trùng)
  • insect repellent /ˈɪnˌsekt rɪˈpelənt/: thuốc đuổi côn trùng
  • campfire /ˈkæmpˌfaɪr/: lửa trại
  • roast /roʊst/: nướng
  • marshmallow /ˈmɑrʃˌmeloʊ/: kẹo dẻo (kẹo mềm)
  • canoeing /kəˈnuː.ɪŋ/ (n): bơi xuồng (loại xuồng nhỏ dùng để chơi vượt thác gềnh)
  • fishing /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ (n): câu cá
  • hiking /ˈhaɪ.kɪŋ/ (n): đi bộ đường dài
  • bluejay /ˈbluˌdʒeɪ/: chim giẻ cùi lam
  • hummingbird /ˈhʌmɪŋˌbɜrd/: chim ruồi (loại chim nhỏ, có tốc độ bay nhanh và tạo ra âm thanh tầng số thấp khi bay)
  • raccoon /ræˈkun/: con gấu mèo
  • squirrel /ˈskwɪrəl/: con sóc
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